A publication of the Ontario Building Envelope Council Fall 2019 Pushing the Canada ON THE BRAIN: The Science Behind the ETFE Skylight System at the Calgary Zoo's Panda Passage Canada Post Publications Agreement Number: 40609661Pushing the Envelope Canada 7 ON THE COVER: n n n TABLE OF CONTENTS UP FRONT Message from the President ............................................................................................... 13 Meet the OBEC Board of Directors ................................................................................. 13 FEATURES Performance Pandemonium: Designing & Modifying the ETFE Skylight System for the Calgary Zoo’s Panda Passage.................................................................................. 15 Investigating Confused Spaces: A Case Study ................................................................. 20 Analyzing the Energy Performance of a Nested Thermal Envelope Design New-Build Home ............................................................................................................ 23 Stack Effect, GHGs & Cannabis Smoke: A Retrospective Retrofit Perspective for Aging Multi-Unit Residential Buildings ...................................................................... 26 Variability in Sorption Isotherms in Plywood & OSB: How I Learned to Stop Worrying & Love the Model ................................................................................ 31 Green Roof Failures: Getting to the Root of the Problem ............................................. 34 How it Works: Guarded Airtightness Testing on High-Rise Buildings .......................... 37 Pushing the Envelope Canada A publication of the Ontario Building Envelope Council Fall 2019 Published For: The Ontario Building Envelope Council 2800 – 14th Ave. Suite 210 Markham, ON L3R 0E4 Phone: 647-317-5754 Fax: 416-491-1670 info@obec.on.ca www.obec.on.ca © 2019 Matrix Group Publishing Inc. All rights reserved. Contents may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher. The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of Matrix Group Publishing Inc. Printed in Canada. OBEC does not specifically endorse the editorial, products or services contained within this magazine. These products and services are presented here as an indication of the various possibilities in the Marketplace. OBEC wishes to advise the reader that sound Building Science Practices should be applied to any and all product or service selections. OBEC does not make or imply any warranties as to the suitability of any of these products or services for any specific situation. Furthermore, the opinions expressed in this magazine’s editorial content may not necessarily reflect the opinions of OBEC. Did you feel bamboozled when you saw this issue’s cover? It’s still your favourite building science publication! This issue’s cover features Da Mao, an adult male giant panda, chowing down on some primo bamboo in his favourite spot in the afternoon sun, which was made possible thanks to the two new ethylene tetrafluoroethylene skylights installed at the Panda Passage exhibit at the Calgary Zoo. Turn to page 15 to read the informative article written by Jelena Bojanic, B.Sc., EIT, project engineer at Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd., on the process of designing and installing these spectacular skylights before Da Mao and his cuddly counterparts moved in. PHOTO CREDIT (Da Mao in Panda Passage): Calgary Zoo, www.calgaryzoo.com. PHOTO CREDIT (ETFE skylight): Jelena Bojanic, Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd. Pushing the Envelope Canada A publication of the Ontario Building Envelope Council A publication of the Ontario Building Envelope Council Fall 2019 Pushing the Canada ON THE BRAIN: The Science Behind the ETFE Skylight System at the Calgary Zoo's Panda Passage Canada Post Publications Agreement Number: 40609661Pushing the Envelope Canada 9 NEWS AND VIEWS Architect’s Approach: A Tale of Two Bridges: Lessons to be Learned ......................... 40 BEC Roundup ..................................................................................................................... 45 TAKE ACTION Join the Ontario Building Envelope Council ................................................................... 47 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS ..................................................................................... 49 Pushing the Envelope Canada A publication of the Ontario Building Envelope Council Fall 2019 Published By: Matrix Group Publishing Inc. Return all undeliverable addresses to: 309 Youville Street Winnipeg, MB R2H 2S9 Toll Free: 1-866-999-1299 Toll Free Fax: 1-866-244-2544 www.matrixgroupinc.net Publications Agreement Number: 40609661 President & CEO Jack Andress Operations Manager Shoshana Weinberg sweinberg@matrixgroupinc.net Publisher Jessica Potter Editor-in-Chief Shannon Savory ssavory@matrixgroupinc.net Senior Editor Alexandra Kozub akozub@matrixgroupinc.net Editors Jenna Collignon, Kaitlin Vitt Finance/Administration Lloyd Weinberg, Nathan Redekop accounting@matrixgroupinc.net Director of Circulation & Distribution Lloyd Weinberg distribution@matrixgroupinc.net Sales Manager – Winnipeg Neil Gottfred Sales Manager – Hamilton Jeff Cash Sales Team Leader Colleen Bell Matrix Group Publishing Inc. Account Executives Albert Brydges, Andrew Lee, Bonnie Petrovsky, Brenda McPhee, Brian MacIntyre, Cheryl Klassen, Frank Kenyeres, Jim Hamilton, Julie Welsh, Marlyn Beek, Renée Kent, Rob Gibson, Sandra Kirby, Tanina Di Piazza, Tenisha Myke, Terri Erkelens Layout & Design Travis Bevan Advertising Design James Robinson © 2019 Matrix Group Publishing Inc. All rights reserved. Contents may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher. The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of Matrix Group Publishing Inc. Printed in Canada. OBEC does not specifically endorse the editorial, products or services contained within this magazine. These products and services are presented here as an indication of the various possibilities in the Marketplace. OBEC wishes to advise the reader that sound Building Science Practices should be applied to any and all product or service selections. OBEC does not make or imply any warranties as to the suitability of any of these products or services for any specific situation. Furthermore, the opinions expressed in this magazine’s editorial content may not necessarily reflect the opinions of OBEC. n n n TABLE OF CONTENTSNext >