A publication of the A publication of the Ontario Ontario Building Envelope CouncilBuilding Envelope Council Spring 2020 Pushing the CanadaCanada Blending Vintage Wine Blending Vintage Wine with Building Science:with Building Science: Canada Post Publications Agreement Number: 40609661 Does Your Cellar Have Legs?Does Your Cellar Have Legs?Pushing the Envelope Canada 5 ON THE COVER: Did this cover of your favourite building science publication have you craving your favourite glass of red? Industry expert Joe Lstiburek's article details how to properly install a wine cellar—from the bigger envelope components, right down to the smaller, but equally important factors, like temperature—to make sure your wine is properly stored. Turn to page 13 to read and ensure your wine cellar has legs! n n n TABLE OF CONTENTS UP FRONT Message from the President .................................................................................................9 Meet the OBEC Board of Directors ...................................................................................9 Are You Knowledgeable Enough to Become A Building Science Specialist? ..............10 Building Science Specialist Exam Dates ...........................................................................11 FEATURES Blending Vintage Wine with Building Science: Reserve These Tannin-Techniques to Ensure Your Cellar’s Body Has Legs ...........................................................................13 Lessons Learned from Self-Building a Super-Insulated House .....................................17 Does Your Roof Meet Code? ............................................................................................21 Net Zero Carbon Might be Easier Than You Think .......................................................24 Reconstruction of an Underground Parking Level Concrete Slab on Grade ...............26 Thin vs. Thick & When to PUMA in Underground Parking Structures .......................29 Pushing the Envelope Canada A publication of the Ontario Building Envelope Council Spring 2020 Published For: The Ontario Building Envelope Council 2800 – 14th Ave. Suite 210 Markham, ON L3R 0E4 Phone: 647-317-5754 Fax: 416-491-1670 info@obec.on.ca www.obec.on.ca © 2020 Matrix Group Publishing Inc. All rights reserved. Contents may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher. The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of Matrix Group Publishing Inc. Printed in Canada. OBEC does not specifically endorse the editorial, products or services contained within this magazine. These products and services are presented here as an indication of the various possibilities in the Marketplace. OBEC wishes to advise the reader that sound Building Science Practices should be applied to any and all product or service selections. OBEC does not make or imply any warranties as to the suitability of any of these products or services for any specific situation. Furthermore, the opinions expressed in this magazine’s editorial content may not necessarily reflect the opinions of OBEC. Pushing the EnvelopeEnvelope Canada A publication of the Ontario Building Envelope Council A publication of the A publication of the Ontario Ontario Building Envelope CouncilBuilding Envelope Council Spring 2020 Pushing the CanadaCanada Blending Vintage Wine Blending Vintage Wine with Building Science:with Building Science: Canada Post Publications Agreement Number: 40609661 Does Your Cellar Have Legs?Does Your Cellar Have Legs?Pushing the Envelope Canada 7 NEWS AND VIEWS Upcoming Events ................................................................................................................31 BEC Roundup .....................................................................................................................33 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS .....................................................................................34 Pushing the Envelope Canada A publication of the Ontario Building Envelope Council Spring 2020 Published By: Matrix Group Publishing Inc. Return all undeliverable addresses to: 309 Youville Street Winnipeg, MB R2H 2S9 Toll Free: 1-866-999-1299 Toll Free Fax: 1-866-244-2544 www.matrixgroupinc.net Publications Agreement Number: 40609661 President & CEO Jack Andress Operations Manager Shoshana Weinberg sweinberg@matrixgroupinc.net Publisher Jessica Potter Editor-in-Chief Shannon Savory ssavory@matrixgroupinc.net Senior Editor Alexandra Kozub akozub@matrixgroupinc.net Editors Jenna Collignon, Kaitlin Vitt Finance/Administration Lloyd Weinberg, Nathan Redekop accounting@matrixgroupinc.net Director of Circulation & Distribution Lloyd Weinberg distribution@matrixgroupinc.net Sales Manager – Winnipeg Neil Gottfred Sales Manager – Hamilton Jeff Cash Sales Team Leader Colleen Bell Matrix Group Publishing Inc. Account Executives Albert Brydges, Andrew Lee, Bonnie Petrovsky (in memoriam), Brenda McPhee, Brian MacIntyre, Cheryl Klassen, Frank Kenyeres, Jim Hamilton, Jon Beroud, Julie Welsh, Marlyn Beek, Michael Coutu, Rob Gibson, Sandra Kirby, Tanina Di Piazza, Tenisha Myke Layout & Design Travis Bevan Advertising Design James Robinson © 2020 Matrix Group Publishing Inc. All rights reserved. Contents may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher. The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of Matrix Group Publishing Inc. Printed in Canada. OBEC does not specifically endorse the editorial, products or services contained within this magazine. These products and services are presented here as an indication of the various possibilities in the Marketplace. OBEC wishes to advise the reader that sound Building Science Practices should be applied to any and all product or service selections. OBEC does not make or imply any warranties as to the suitability of any of these products or services for any specific situation. Furthermore, the opinions expressed in this magazine’s editorial content may not necessarily reflect the opinions of OBEC. n n n TABLE OF CONTENTS JOE LSTIBUREK Joe Lstiburek, B.A.Sc., M.Eng., Ph.D., P.Eng., is principal of Building Science Corporation. Turn to page 13 to read his article. MOHAMED HUSSEIN Mohamed Hussein, P.Eng., BSS, is a build- ing science engineer with Morrison Hersh- field. Turn to page 29 to read his article. EMMA RUIXIAN QIAN Emma Ruixian Qian is an architectural technologist with WZMH Architects. Turn to page 26 to read her article. STEVEN MURRAY Steven Murray, P.Eng., is principal and senior building envelope engineer at Morrison Hershfield. He is also a BSS In- structor. Turn to page 24 to read his article. MEAGAN KIKUTA Meagan Kikuta, M.Eng., B.Arch.Sc., is an architectural rep- resentative at Tremco Roofing & Building Maintenance. Turn to page 21 to read her article. GRANT WALKIN Grant Walkin, M.Sc., P.Eng., is a building envelope and struc- tural glass engineer at Entuitive Corporation. Turn to page 17 to read his article. MEET OUR EXPERTSPushing the Envelope Canada 9 S tarting this presidential term, I feel exceedingly humbled, honoured, and grateful to serve with all of you. I want to thank those who entrusted me for working to keep the ship on course. We are blessed in our great organization, the Ontario Building Envelope Council (OBEC), with a fabulous board of directors, amazing committees, and wonderful members who pose great char- acters, a wealth of knowledge, and enthusi- asm—among many other talents and gifts. These all make OBEC’s fortune remarkably priceless. It was not long ago when we celebrated Christmas and the start of the new year. I would like to start this new service period with positivity. Therefore, I can’t help but ask myself and every one of you an essential question, “how do we attract great minds and positive thinkers operating actively within our industry into an era of Mind Change?” We do so by focusing on the building envelope’s role in creating suitable spaces for human use or occupancy. This will help determine the success of our role advocating and con- tributing to making buildings more resilient, more comfortable, energy smart, and beauti- ful. There is no doubt most construction professionals are aware of some particular envelopes’ roles in improving our buildings’ qualities, however, not many are familiar with the buildings’ envelope performance potentials and abilities to help and contribute to achieving buildings’ performance goals, both interior and exterior, and what’s in be- tween. Certain individuals know about these potentials but choose not to, or don’t find the proper platform, to be that positive about them; they would rather stick to old building methodologies. We can change that. As it has been stated, OBEC has been bridging the gaps among the architectural, engineering, research, manufacturers, and construction communities. Finding and en- gaging these professionals to serve can be extremely difficult, especially in our currently busy construction epoch. It makes it inevit- ably essential to focus on necessary positive changes right now, otherwise, we could be missing out on a one-of-a-kind chance to improve on the largest number of buildings this country has ever seen in one province. In this issue of Pushing the Envelope Canada, we have some fantastic, educational articles for readers to enjoy. Ever thought about building your own personal wine cellar? Joe Lstiburek takes the time to offer his insight on the particulars of storing wine and building your own wine cel- lar, in his article on page 13. Grant Walkin discusses the lessons he learned as he attempted to super-insulate a 115-year-old, semi-detached home. On page 17, he goes in-depth about the products used to embrace a leading-edge approach to energy performance. On page 21, Meagan Kikuta explores the myriad of problems one can have if your roof does not meet code, and why it is crucial to ensure it does. Steven Murray discusses the impact of thermal bridging and how envelope transi- tions are amplified in low-energy buildings. His article on page 24 explains why these transitions are particularly challenging to re- solve in retrofit conditions. On page 26, Emma Ruixian Qian discuss- es the changes needed for an existing high- rise office building with moisture deterior- ation problems caused by weeping tiles. Finally, on page 29, Mohamed Hussein reviews the variations and differences when it comes to concrete protection systems. He also focuses on the advantages of using the PUMA system. I welcome your suggestions on attracting more envelope enthusiasts, starting the talk about positive initiatives, and building a better future for this vibrant, fast-growing construc- tion world. Thank you to all those authors and contributors who took time to write for this issue of Pushing the Envelope Canada. n n n n UP FRONT Message from the President OBEC President Ehab Naim Ibrahim, B.Arch., MRAIC, LEED ® AP, BSS ® , CPHD Research & Development Manager Gamma North America OBEC 2020 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Ehab Naim Ibrahim, B.Arch., MRAIC, LEED® AP, BSS®, CPHD Gamma North America President-Elect & Chair, Education Committee Mila Aleksic, B.Arch.Sc., M. A. Sc. Technologies, George Brown College Past-President & Chair, Membership Committee Ian Miller, P.Eng., LEED ® AP Pretium Engineering Inc. Secretary/Treasurer Negar Pakzadian, B.Eng., M.Arch., MB.SC., BSS, CPHD City of Pickering Chair, Awards & Scholarships Committee Gauss Wong, B.Eng., P.Eng., BSS Sense Engineering Chair, Codes & Standards Committee Michael Rekker, C.E.T., BSS Tacoma Engineers Inc. Chair, Communications Committee Meagan Kikuta, M.Eng., B.Arch.Sc. Tremco Roofing Chair, Events Committee Rob Quattrochiocchi EllisDon Chair, Building Science Specialist Certification Exams Committee Daniel Aleksov, P.Eng., BSS Pretium Engineering Chair, Technical Discussion Group Committee Brian L. Abbey, OAA, M.A.A.T.O., BSS, A. Sc.T. CSC., BCQ. ADTEK Building Consultants OBEC STAFF Operations Manager Sherry Denesha We are blessed in our great organization, the Ontario Building Envelope Council (OBEC), with a fabulous board of directors, amazing committees, and wonderful members who pose great characters, a wealth of knowledge, and enthusiasm—among many other talents and gifts.Next >